Monday 31 January 2011

Revisiting The Maze Runner

So as I finished my book today and have nothing new to read until tomorrow (when I'm going to get a book called Inside Out on my lunch break), I picked a random book from my shelf to read tonight. And therefore, I thought I'd talk a bit about it before I get started.
       This book is called The Maze Runner by James Dashner, I read it back in September. It's about a boy with no memories of his previous life, only his name -Thomas- waking up and finding himself in a lift that brings him up to a place called The Glade. Here there are about 30-something other boys, who all arrived in the same way once a month with nothing but a name. They live there, sorting out jobs and searching the maze (that the Glade is centred in) for answers to their strange situation. I enjoyed this book, it was a bit slow paced at times, but the concept, the action and the characters urged me on.
        Just after Christmas, I read the second book to the (soon to be) trilogy called The Scorch Trails. It's obvious when reading The Scorch Trails, that the first book hadn't intended to be a trilogy at first, as it's concept isn't as organised as the The Maze Runner. BUT, with all this said, I actually loved The Scorch Trails more than the The Maze Runner. It kept you asking questions, it had an exciting pace, was quite scary at times and I liked feeling as though I was with the characters as they went on this journey. I just absolutely can't wait until the third book, The Death Cure, comes out in October. I need to find out what happens!

Review of The Dead of Night by John Marsden

Title: The Dead of Night
Author: John Marsden
Published: '97
Pages: 288

So today, while at college, I finished The Dead of Night by John Marsden. It's the second book in the Australian Tomorrow Series, that now has a film made from the first book.
    Here's a brief description of the story. It's told from the point of view of Ellie, a (by my guess) 17 year old girl living in a small town in Australia. Her and six of her friends -Homer, Fi, Corrie, Kevin, Lee and Robyn- go on a camping trip for a week and come back to find that their country has been invaded and everyone in their town has been captured and held in the Showground. Throughout the book, Ellie and her friends must struggle to survive by keeping out of sight of the trigger-happy soldiers, as they try to make some kind of impact agaisnt them.
    The thing I love so much about this series is how realistic it is. The characters are real. They are not just typical stereotype teenagers, nor typical emotionless heroes that you find in a lot of these types of stories. They react like how I would imagine anyone of us in that situation would and they think through their problems and plans carefully instead of going in with guns blazing.
     This book was a lot grittier to the first, there was more violence and sex, which makes me wonder what parents would think about their children reading this book, as I know that some schools have assigned it as reading (a brilliant choice in my opinion). There weren't quite as many action sequences or character development as I would have liked to have seen, but it was still a very enjoyable read. Exciting and heart-breaking. It starts of with a bang and ends with a bang (literally), with a fair few bangs in the middle. Note how I'm using the word bang to try and not give anything away. I'm so looking forward to the next.
    My problem is getting my hands of the next. The series has seven books altogether, and I'm only able to get books 1,2,5 and 7. For some odd reason, I'm not able to find books 3,4 and 6. It seems as though they are not available for purchase in this country, which I find very strange. But alas, I found the books selling on Ebay, in a different cover, from Australia. So I'm going to put in a bid for those and see if I can get it. Because I really can't wait to see what happens to Ellie and her friends.

Sunday 30 January 2011

Hello there.

This is my first post. I don't know anyone on here. Probably no one will be interested in this. And I don't even know if I will be able to keep this up, but here we go.

Just a small preview of what is to come and what I intend to ramble about:
-Movies and TV.
-Ramblings of random topics that come to mind or interest me.
-Maybe the odd bit of artwork from time-to-time.
-Possibly odd bits and bobs of life.