Wednesday 16 February 2011

Review of Inside Out

Title: Inside Out
Author: Maria V. Snyder 
Published: 2010
Pages: 315
My Rating: 3/5

I had been looking forward to reading this book for a while. I was immediately captured by the well composed cover art and interesting concept in the blurb.  It seemed like a perfect fit for my dystopia YA fix.

Unfortunately, I'm a little disappointed to say that I was a bit underwhelmed by this. It was basically what I expected when reading the blurb. But that was it, there didn't feel like there was anything more. I found the story line quite uninteresting and confusing, feeling like the main character, Trella was just going backwards and forwards to collect this, deliver that, discuss this... I didn't really feel like the story was going anywhere, and I couldn't get into it.

But this being said, I wasn't totally let down by it, and it wasn't a bad book by any stretch of the imagination. The writing was brilliant, exactly the sort of writing style that I love! It had the classic young adult characters that I'm always a fun of and the concept was brilliant! It definitely ticked all the boxes for a YA dystopia book, and I recommend it to fans of that gene.

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